AnalyticaA gehört zu den Top 25 SEA Agenturen in Deutschland

Im diesjährigen iBusiness Perfomance Ranking ist AnalyticaA erneut unter den Top 25 der größten deutschen Agenturen für Suchmaschinen-Advertising. Mit 5,43 Millionen Euro Umsatz allein im Bereich SEA konnte AnalyticaA seine Position im Vergleich zu Vorjahr verbessern und rankt jetzt auf Position 21 aller deutschen Agenturen. Im vergangenen Jahr wurde AnalyticaA mit 2,9 Millionen Euro Umsatz noch auf Position 22 gelistet. „Über das Wachstum im Bereich Suchmaschinen-Advertising freuen wir uns natürlich“, sagt Thomas Less, Management Partner bei der AnalyticaA. „Besonders möchte ich mich in diesem Zusammenhang bei unseren Kunden bedanken, die…


Auto versiegeln gegen den Winter – Versiegelung schützt

Auto versiegeln gegen den Winter – Versiegelung schützt Wie vor Lack-Korrosion durch aggressive Laugen im Winter schützen. Wie wirkt Auto-Versiegelung? Schutz gegen Auto-Lack-Korrosion im Winter durch Versiegelung Lack-Korrosion wird für viele erst dann es Thema, wenn es zu spät ist. Sie können Ihr Auto jedoch versiegeln und es so den Auto-Lack im Winter schützen. Lack-Korrosion entsteht nicht nur durch die UV-Strahlen des Sonnenlichtes, sondern besonders durch stark wechselnde Temperaturen, Eis und Schnee. Am gefährlichsten sich jedoch die ätzenden Laugen auf den Straßen im Winter. Durch die Gischt auf gelaugten Straßen…


JETZT bei Caseking – Nitro Concepts Deskmats verwandeln den ganzen Tisch in ein Spielfeld für Gamer.

Berlin, 09.01.2019 Nitro Concepts erweitert sein Sortiment um die Nitro Concepts Deskmats. Die große Stoffunterlage für Tastatur und Maus überzeugt durch eine Ausführung in drei verschiedenen Größen, die perfekt auf große wie auch kleine Schreibtische passen. Sie lassen eine maximale Raumausnutzung sowie eine uneingeschränkte Bewegungsfreiheit zu. Nitro Concepts ist bereits für seine schicken Gaming-Stühle bekannt. Mit der Deskmat können Nutzer das gleiche peppige Design nun auf ihren Schreibtisch bringen und somit einen einheitlichen Look schaffen. Jetzt exklusiv bei Caseking. Die Nitro Concepts Deskmat eignet sich durch das riesige Spielfeld von…


Ultrasound Consoles and Transducers Market Forecast and Trends Analysis Research Report 2018-2028

Ultrasound Consoles and Transducers Market: Introduction The progression of scientific innovations complemented by the increasing demand for advanced healthcare instruments has resulted into the introduction of various healthcare devices such as ultrasonic devices, diagnostic instruments, medical imaging systems, etc. Since the inception of ultrasound consoles and transducers, a high adoption of the same was witnessed across the globe, especially in developed countries. Ultrasound consoles and transducers are majorly adopted by sonographers for undergoing their sonography, sometimes even termed as ultrasonography. Both, ultrasound consoles and transducers are used in conjunction, for…


Vein Recognition Biometrics Market Growth, Trends, Absolute Opportunity and Value Chain 2018-2028

Vein Recognition Biometrics Market: Introduction Vein recognition biometrics is used for high risk deployments generally where space is not an issue. They are most commonly used in banks for physical access control. But, like all biometric systems, advancement in technology and innovations in design and manufacturing have broaden the application areas for vein recognition biometrics. Because of the sub-dermal nature of veins, vein recognition biometrics are considered as the most secure form of biometrics. Whereas other types of biometrics, particularly where the duplicate hardware or low grade hardware is used,…


Cloud Access Security Brokers Market Revenue, Opportunity, Forecast and Value Chain 2018-2028

Global Cloud Access Security Brokers Market: Overview With the rapid adoption of cloud deployment models by enterprises for different software and enterprises operational executions, the need for maintaining security is increasing. Cloud access security brokers is an emerging technology used primarily for securing the tremendously increased adoption of cloud services along with users’ access to them since the users can be from within and outside of the traditional enterprise perimeter. The demand for cloud access security brokers deployment at the enterprise level is rising rapidly as security and privacy issues…


Analog Multimeters Market Volume Forecast and Value Chain Analysis 2018-2028

Global Analog Multimeters Market: Introduction Analog multimeters are electronic devices that are used to measure electrical quantities such as resistance, voltage, current, signal power, and frequency. Analog multimeters are used to find electrical and electronic problems. Basic functionality is the measurement of resistance in ohms, current in amperes, and potential in volts. Advanced analog multimeters comes with some additional features such as diode, capacitor, and IC testing modes. Some of the specific measurements done with the help of analog multimeters are DC current, AC current, DC voltage, and AC voltage.…


Biometric Authentication Solution Market Analysis, Segments, Growth and Value Chain 2018-2028

Biometric Authentication Solution Market: Overview As organizations are focusing on secure authentication methods for user access, e-commerce, and other safety applications, the demand for biometric authentication solutions is growing rapidly. The increasing dependency on digital technologies and automation is further expected to drive the growth of the biometric authentication solutions market. Moreover, the continuous demand for enhanced security and identification system has led to the increasing adoption of biometric authentication solutions. Furthermore, as the businesses strive to implement the right mix of technologies and policies for security and reliability, the…


Smart Ticketing Solutions Market Volume Analysis, Segments, Value Share and Key Trends 2018-2028

With the evolution of technology impacting every industry, several countries have been taking initiatives to manage cities and incorporate smart cities through the introduction of smart ticketing solutions. Smart ticketing solutions are being adopted in many developing as well as developed regions such as North America, SEA and APAC as they save time, offer convenience and eliminate the queue system while collecting tickets. Smart ticketing solution cards provide several benefits to commuters – they reduce the travel time and improve service efficiency. They also help governments and transport services collect…


Remote Patient Monitoring Systems Market size in terms of volume and value 2018-2028

Remote Patient Monitoring Systems: Introduction Homecare telehealth is among factors that are transforming the healthcare sector, and is facilitated by remote patient monitoring systems. Remote patient monitoring systems are a type of mobile healthcare systems that enable patients to utilise ambulatory medical devices. Routine tests can be performed using remote patient monitoring systems that transmit the real-time test automatically to the healthcare professional. Remote patient monitoring systems include daily use monitors, such as blood pressure or heart rate monitors, for heart patients and glucose level detectors for diabetes patients. The…
