Business Economy Finances 

Industrial Service Medal for Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions in Korea

The Busch Group company Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions in Korea was awarded the Industrial Service Medal.

The Industrial Service Medal was awarded for the A4 series production line. These vacuum pumps are built to handle harsh process gases and provide various control options, making them ideal for demanding industrial environments in the semiconductor market. Pfeiffer offers solutions for complete Fab systems for the Asian semiconductor market. The company can therefore react quickly and easily to customer requirements at any time.

„The Industrial Service Medal is a big honor for the entire team of Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions in Korea. We are proud to contribute to the well-being of the Korean society through the expansion and further development of our company,“ says Tae-Sang Lee.

The Industrial Service Medal is one of the most important business honors the Korean government bestows. It is presented annually at the Foreign Company Day in South Korea. The event recognizes companies and institutions that promote investment in the East Asian country and thus contribute to the development of the South Korean economy. It is hosted by the South Korean Ministry of Industry, Trade and Energy and the Korea Foreign Company Association (FORCA).

About the Busch Group
The Busch Group is one of the world“s largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers, compressors and gas abatement systems. Under its umbrella, the group houses three well-known brands: Busch Vacuum Solutions, Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions and centrotherm clean solutions.

The extensive product and service portfolio includes solutions for vacuum, overpressure and abatement applications in all industries, such as food, semiconductors, analytics, chemicals and plastics. This also includes the design and construction of tailor-made vacuum systems and a worldwide service network.

The Busch Group is a family business that is managed by the Busch family. More than 8,000 employees in 44 countries worldwide work for the group. Busch is headquartered in Maulburg, Baden-Württemberg, in the tri-country region of Germany, France and Switzerland.
The Busch Group manufactures in its 19 own production plants in China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Romania, South Korea, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the USA and Vietnam.

The Busch Group has an annual consolidated revenue of close to 2 billion Euro.

Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions
Sabine Neubrand
Berliner Straße 43
35614 Asslar
Phone: 49 (0)6441 802 – 1223
E-Mail: 45121e0cf10948e8a4558850265d00c86acf913c

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