Evo rocks 2018!

Evo rocks 2018!

A year in review of Evo Drinks

Another year filled by success is coming to an end and as well as the years before the beverage industry is shining yellow and red in 2018! During the year everyone wanted a taste of the delicious Evo Drinks. This included not just sport icons and TV stars. Celebrities walking on the red carpet were screaming for Evo.

A year in review:

January – Annual kick- off marketing event! „Ladies just us!“ – the motto of the dance event at the Motsi Mabuse Taunus dance academy. A day as a tribute to the stronger sex with lots of offerings. The power women were refreshed by Evo Drinks during the dance breaks and because the drinks were the most wanted, two month after this amazing event Evo Drinks has been invited again! Another amazing chance for Evo Drinks: The Stars of Let’s Dance were teaching workshops and were fascinated by the red and yellow cans.
Than another huge success! Evo Drinks has been officially listed at Spar Austria during the first quarter of the year! WOW what an amazing start into 2018!

Now lay back and relax? – Not Evo Drinks!
Right between foodporn and foodielisious, Evo Drinks showed off at the Internorga, a very popular international culinary fair in Hamburg during the 9th till the 13th of March 2018 and recorded another accomplishment!
But not just the North of Germany is fixed by Evo Drinks. In July the most successful event of the year took place! Antenne Vorarlberg Badespass powered by Evo Drinks! The radio station went ahead and did lots of marketing, so the listeners were able to get excited for the drinks. The gigantic pool party for the whole family was crowded! During the day Evo Drinks refreshed the families with cold beverages.
This amount of achievements is magnetic for others and because of that there were rumors about a takeover from PEPSICO. These are simply rumors! The Evo Drinks staying in the own warehouse because that’s where success is bottled in 200 ml Cans. 😉

November 2018, another HIGHLIGHT. The 37th Sportpresseball in the Alte Oper Frankfurt is on! On the red carpet? – Evo Drinks as one of the official sponsors. But camera flashes couldn’t dazzle the Evo brothers. The shining cans were found on the third floor where the action happened! Here Evo Drinks refreshed the celebrities with special cocktails Evo style! It was the second time that the company presented itself on this enormous event and the second time very successful.

For the next year there is a lot on the plate. Amongst other things there is a new Evo- member: Ex professional athlete Jürgen Hingsen is the new brand ambassador. Welcome to the Team! Other than that, more listings are planed. One of them will be realized in the first quarter of 2019. Which market that will be is a secret for now, so keep posted on Evo news.

2018 Evo Drinks prevailed on the market. The company stays on growth course and stars with, all natural POWER into 2019.
At that point a big Thank you to all our partners and amazing supporter!
A special thanks to all of our athletes, we are very proud of you! – You rock!

Die Evo Drinks Group wurde im Jahr 2009 in Oregon gegründet.

Die Entwicklung von Evo Drinks hat in den letzten 2 Jahren alle Erwartungen übertroffen und verfügt derzeit über Niederlassungen und Lizenzpartner in verschiedenen Ländern für die Vermarktung von Evo Drinks. Der Hauptsitz für Europa wurde aus strategischen Gründen in Großbritannien eingerichtet, hierbei handelt es sich um die Evo Drinks Europe Ltd. mit Sitz in Northwood.

Weiterhin verfügt Evo Drinks über Niederlassungen in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Australien, Spanien, Italien, Belgien und Frankreich.

Den Vertrieb bzw. die Distribution von Evo Drinks® wird durch Lizenznehmer übernommen, welche in den einzelnen Ländern auf eigene Rechnung tätig sind. Hierzu wurden Exklusiv-Verträge in der Schweiz, Belgien, Niederlande, Luxemburg, Spanien, Italien, Frankreich, Sri Lanka, Indien, Arabische Emirate, Iran und Irak geschlossen. Insgesamt derzeit in ca. 15 Ländern weltweit und täglich kommen neue Vertriebspartner hinzu.

Wussten Sie eigentlich…. dass in Bezug auf Getränkedosen etwa 70% aller verkauften Dosen der Getränkebranche recycelt werden, bei der Produktion 95% der Energie eingespart wird und jede Dose zu 100% recycelbar und in weniger als 60 Tagen wieder im Verkaufsregal steht ? Nur einige Fakten zur Getränkedose welche die Weltmeere nicht verschmutzt!

Max Märker
Ahauser Str. 120
46325 Borken
Phone: +49(211) 54 76 14 24
E-Mail: m.maerker@evodrinks.de
Url: http://www.evodrinks.de/

TM 2020 New Media
Rebecca Köstner
Kurfürstendamm 217
10719 Berlin
Phone: 015224244619
E-Mail: rk@2020newmedia.com
Url: http://www.2020newmedia.com/index.html

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