European Charter: Long-Term Care, Health and Well-Being
Nursing and care needs facilities that offer the appropriate services; dependent are those who need to be cared for and looked after. Legally, the Wohn- und Betreuungsvertragsgesetz (WBVG) aims to protect those who need support and assistance due to age, need for care or disability. Regulations serve to ensure that residents receive appropriate care and support and that their rights and needs are respected. They cover a variety of issues such as hygiene, nutrition, medical care, psychosocial support, safety, and protection from abuse or neglect.
In addition, regulations are designed to ensure uniform quality in care to ensure that care facilities meet the same high standards. This is especially important because public funding and health care financing are often at stake in the long-term care industry. There are also legal provisions that regulate the care industry and ensure that facilities comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
European Charter of Rights and Responsibilities in Residential and Nursing Homes
The European Charter of Rights and Responsibilities in Residential and Nursing Care Homes was created by the European Union to ensure that older people and those in need of care have equal access to quality care services throughout Europe. The Care Charter, first published in 2006, is considered an important tool for promoting the protection of the rights and dignity of older people and improving the quality of care in Europe. In Germany, the Bundesinteressenvertretung für alte und pflegebetroffene Menschen e.V. (BIVA-Pflegeschutzbund), among others, worked on the agreement, which is valid throughout Europe.
A number of rights to which older people in residential and nursing homes are entitled are defined in the European Charter. Including the right to quality care and support, the right to respect for their dignity and privacy, the right to participate in decisions about their care and support, and the right to protection from abuse, neglect and discrimination.
In addition, the Care Charter also sets out a number of obligations that residential and nursing homes, as well as the relevant authorities, must fulfill to ensure that these rights are respected. These include providing adequate resources and facilities, training care staff on the dignity and needs of older people, providing complaint and counseling mechanisms for residents, and ensuring residents‘ participation and co-determination.
Implementation of the charter is mandatory for all EU member states and compliance is monitored regularly. The aim is to improve the quality of care for older people in Europe and to ensure that their rights and dignity are respected.
Statutory EU regulations on occupational health and safety
The original version of the EC Treaty of 1957 in EU health policy included an article on health and safety at work. Since 1993 and 1999, the EU has had Community competence for public health. Since then, a number of legal regulations on protection and occupational health have been adopted to ensure that workers throughout the European Union are protected from workplace hazards and that their rights and health are respected. These regulations include:
Framework Directive 89/391/EEC on the protection of the safety and health of workers at work: this directive sets out the general principles for occupational health and safety and requires employers to carry out a risk assessment to identify potential hazards and to take measures to minimize or eliminate those hazards.
Directive 89/656/EEC on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE): this directive sets requirements for PPE in the workplace and requires employers to provide appropriate PPE and ensure that workers use it.
Directive 92/85/EEC on the protection of pregnant workers and workers who breastfeed after confinement: This Directive requires employers to take appropriate measures to protect pregnant workers and workers who are breastfeeding after childbirth from workplace hazards.
Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 REACH: This regulation establishes requirements for the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals to ensure that the use of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is minimized.
Directive 2000/54/EC on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work: This directive establishes requirements for protection against biological agents in the workplace, including measures for the prevention and control of infectious diseases.
It is to be welcomed that the European Union is focusing on protecting and improving health security for all EU citizens. This includes the modernization and digitalization of healthcare systems and infrastructures, as well as comprehensive access to occupational health and safety with innovative and modern technologies.
Max Leber
Managing Director and Sales
PPE Germany GmbH
PPE Germany GmbH mit Sitz in Berlin sind Spezialisten für Atemschutz Made in Germany. PPE Germany zählt zu den großen europäischen Maskenproduzenten für qualitativ hochwertige FFP2-Masken und startete 2020 mit der Produktion, um die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Schutzausrüstung zu gewährleisten. PPE Germany schützt die Gesundheit von Menschen, die in komplizierten Luftverhältnissen arbeiten und leben müssen beispielsweise durch Virale Kontamination, Krankenhauskeim Kontamination, Bakterielle Kontamination, Staub, Fasern (z.B. durch Mineralwolle), Industrieabgase, Feinstaub. Alle PPE Germany Produkte sind zertifiziert und unterliegen den strengsten Prüfstandards.
PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstraße 63-115
13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 202366380
PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstraße 63-115
13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 202366380
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