Environment Energy 

ETS Degassing: SIS and ENDEGS form the leading expert for mobile industrial degassing under a new name

Industrial emission reduction experts join forces

Amelinghausen, Pförring/Germany, June 19 2024 – SIS GmbH and ENDEGS GmbH, experts in industrial emission reduction and degassing, are joining forces under the new name ETS Degassing to form the European market and technology leader in the field of mobile emission treatment and reduction. The two companies already merged last year under the umbrella of the newly founded ETS Group – Environmental Technology Services. In June 2024, the rebranding to ETS Degassing takes place, with headquarters in Amelinghausen and further offices in Pförring and Duisburg as well as international locations in France, the Netherlands and the Middle East.

For more than 17 years, ENDEGS and SIS have specialized in thermal exhaust gas cleaning and degassing. With more than 3,000 successful projects and a broad portfolio of innovative technologies, both companies are leaders in the environmentally-friendly reduction of harmful hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and hazardous air pollutants (HAP) with a combustion rate of more than 99.99 % and without an open flame. ETS Degassing mobile combustion units are available in different combustion capacities (3, 4, 5, 10 and 20 MW) and are suitable for the thermal combustion of gases, gas mixtures and vapors of the explosion groups IIA, IIB and IIC. The two companies are now joining forces to form the new company ETS Degassing.

Rebranding with opportunities for growth and internationalization

„SIS and ENDEGS are the market leaders in the field of emission reduction and mobile degassing for a variety of industries such as oil, gas, chemicals and petrochemicals with their first-class technology offering. With the establishment of ETS Degassing as part of the ETS Group, we are building on the many years of experience of both companies to grow into further core markets and drive internationalization“, says Dr. Uwe Nickel, Managing Director and CEO of ETS Group. „The importance of emission reduction in industrial processes and maintenance is constantly growing, and with ETS Degassing, the Group has an excellently positioned company with great expertise and experience in the field of mobile degassing.“

„We are delighted to announce the rebranding to ETS Degassing“, says Normen Gerlach, Managing Director of ETS Group and ETS Degassing GmbH. „Last year, SIS and ENDEGS merged under the umbrella of the ETS Group in order to bundle their joined strengths and drive the further development of the companies. As part of our strategy, the merger into the brand ETS Degassing is only logical.“

„As ETS Degassing, our goal is to exploit the full potential of the Group and our technologies and to further optimize and expand our services“, says David Wendel, Managing Director of ETS Group and ETS Degassing GmbH. „In order to open up new potential in new and international markets, we have initially focused on expanding our management and sales structures. The founding of ETS Degassing is now the next step towards an even more intensive internationalization of our company.“

Comprehensive range of innovative technologies with an international focus

The headquarters of the ETS Degassing GmbH is Amelinghausen, Germany, with further locations in Pförring and a vessel degassing site in the Port of Duisburg. The international subsidiaries of ETS Degassing also offer the company“s innovative technologies to international customers from locations in France, the Netherlands and the Middle East. „Apart from the new name, nothing will change for our partners and customers as a result of the rebranding – we will continue to offer our usual services and technologies“, says, Normen Gerlach.

The technologies of ETS Degassing include approximately 50 mobile combustion chambers for the degassing of tanks, containers, shups, pipelines, vacuum trucks and much more, as well as for the temporary replacement of vapor recovery units. ETS Degassing also has a fleet of mobile vaporizers with nitrogen tanks that enable the safe handling of components containing liquefied and highly flammable gases under pressure such as LNG, ammonia, hydrogen or propane. The nitrogen vaporizer can be combined with a mobile combustion chamber to also enable the degassing of these components. The ETS Degassing portfolio also includes mobile blowers for ATEX Zone 0 for the safe extraction of gases and vapors, as well as the remote-controlled ATEX Zone 0 Robot as a rental service for the cleaning of industrial tanks from a safe distance.

ETS Degassing ist Experte für eine sichere, saubere und nachhaltige Emissionsminderung und mobile Entgasung. Als Nachfolger der seit über 17 Jahren erfolgreichen Unternehmen SIS und ENDEGS verfügt ETS Degassing über große Erfahrung in der umweltfreundlichen Verbrennung von schädlichen Emissionen wie Kohlenwasserstoffen sowie flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen (VOC) und gefährlichen Luftschadstoffen (HAP). Die mobilen Brennkammern des Unternehmens verbrennen alle Gase, Gasgemische und Dämpfe der Gefahrengruppen IIA, IIB und IIC mit einer Verbrennungsrate von über 99,99 % sowie ohne offene Flamme und völlig geruchslos. ETS Degassing-Technologien tragen wesentlich dazu bei, dass Kunden ihre Emissionen reduzieren und sicherstellen können, dass sie auch die strengsten Umweltvorschriften und -gesetze einhalten.

ETS Degassing GmbH
David Wendel
Zum Täckenfeld 12
21385 Amelinghausen
Phone: +49 162 243 34 86
E-Mail: 47961beadc9e3aa8f390a8a6387638c7907dda99
Url: http://www.ets-degassing.com

Sprengel & Partner GmbH
Nico Reinicke
Nisterstraße 3
56472 Nisterau
Phone: +49 2661 912 600
Fax: +49 2661 912 602 9
E-Mail: 47961beadc9e3aa8f390a8a6387638c7907dda99
Url: https://www.sprengel-pr.com

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