Closing the gap between research and clinical reality enables faster advancements in healthcare
New BioRegio STERN project develops industry-in-clinic platform AIM
(Stuttgart/Reutlingen) – The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is promoting the establishment of another platform for the needs-oriented development of innovative medical devices in the project „Zentralstelle für Innovationen in der Medizintechnik“ (ZIMT). The new industry-in-clinic platform AIM (Access for Innovation in Medical technology) is designed to help medical technology companies work in direct interaction with users, without adding to the administrative burden of clinical personnel. The project partners from business, research and hospitals held their kick-off meeting at the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen in Reutlingen at the invitation of project coordinator BioRegio STERN Management GmbH in October. The project was launched in May 2024 and will end in April 2027. The project volume of almost 1,350,000 euros includes 605,565 euros in funding from the BMBF.
When it comes to developing new medical devices, industry and hospitals should ideally work closely together. For example, to meet the requirements of the European Medical Devices Regulation (MDR), companies need data from hospitals. However, neither doctors nor nursing staff have the capacity to support industry. As part of the funding programme „Aufbau von Industrie-in-Klinik-Plattformen zur Entwicklung innovativer Medizinprodukte“ („Establishing industry-in-clinic platforms for the development of innovative medical devices“), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting the ZIMT project („Zentralstelle für Innovationen in der Medizintechnik“). The new industry-in-clinic platform AIM (Access for Innovation in Medical technology) is designed to help medical technology companies gain access to hospitals, without adding to the burden of clinical personnel.
A management team has the key role in AIM, acting as an interface with the aim of optimising the value chain. From concept to development and all the way to application, researchers, hospitals and businesses are to work closely together through specific contacts. Project partner Prof. Annette Conzelmann is the research group leader at University Hospital Tübingen, and says: „I am delighted that the platform has created an excellent networking opportunity, and that we can rely on the extensive expertise of the AIM team. This will help develop research products that can successfully reach the application stage.“
The AIM platform is designed to offer industry a „one-stop shop“ as a service to simplify product development in cooperation with hospitals and service providers. In this way, innovations should be implemented faster, in more application-based, needs-oriented and efficient ways, thus transferring the clinical and healthcare expertise more effectively to the business side.
The performance and practicability of the services on the platform are examined and further developed in various research and development projects. The specialist areas covered by these BMBF-funded pilot projects range from psychiatry, gynaecology and urology to immunology. Topics include detecting motor impairments in psychoses among young people using sensor-supported assistance systems, researching an AI-based tracking system to treat tumours, developing and evaluating biomaterials for personalised implants, and developing a platform for archiving and supplying medical data, especially imaging data, for clinical diagnostics, experimental work and industrial applications.
Dr. Dagmar Martin, project manager at the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) at the University of Tübingen and research partner of one of the planned ZIMT pilot projects, explained during the kick-off meeting in Reutlingen: „The industry-in-clinic platform helps us work more closely with users and manufacturers, and thus bring developments to hospitals faster and based more on the practical reality. As a result, we can make further improvements to healthcare for patients.“ Other research partners for planned ZIMT pilot projects include University Hospital Tübingen, Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, HB Technologies GmbH and Raylytic Software GmbH. BioRegio STERN Management GmbH coordinates the new industry-in-clinic platform AIM.
The BMBF-funded project ZIMT („Zentralstelle für Innovationen in der Medizintechnik“) (FKZ: 13GW0610) is part of the German Federal Government’s Health Research Framework Programme. The funding initiative is part of the medical technology specialist programme through which the BMBF is aiming to improve patient care, expand the capabilities of the health system, and reinforce the innovative strength and international competitiveness of the sector in Germany as an industrial location. The ZIMT project was launched on 1 May 2024 and will end on 30 April 2027. The project volume is 1,345,700 euros, of which 605,565 euros are attributable to funding from the BMBF.
About BioRegio STERN Management GmbH:
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH promotes economic development in the life sciences industry, helping to strengthen the region as a business location by supporting innovations and start-up companies in the public interest. It is the main point of contact for company founders and entrepreneurs in the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb regions, including the cities of Tübingen and Reutlingen.
The STERN BioRegion is one of the largest and most successful bioregions in Germany. Its unique selling points include a mix of biotech and medtech companies that is outstanding in Germany and regional clusters in the fields of automation technology and mechanical and plant engineering.
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH
Dr. Klaus Eichenberg
Friedrichstraße 10
70174 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0)711-870 354 0
Zeeb Kommunikation GmbH
Anja Pätzold
Alexanderstraße 81
70182 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0)711 – 60 70 719
Bildquelle: Leif Piechowski/BioRegio STERN Management GmbH